It all begins here; with a dream that you can turn into a reality! Below you will find the three different programs you can take part of. Take one, two, or all three! But please take your time and enjoy the journey. To learn more about each program, CLICK on their picture. See you on the other side!

  • The Galilean Center is partnering with Klarna to offer our students the option to pay their tuition in monthly payments*

    *Additional Fees apply through Klarna

Discount for Married Couples!

At GTC we understand the burden of tuition can be great when more than one joins the journey. We also believe that ministry is a family call. Therefore, we are pleased to offer an amazing 50% discount on all program tuitions offered by the Galilean Center! Talk to a member of our team for more information. Payments are set up using the secured Clover system, and can be set up automatically. You can make your tuition payments via cash, check, or debit/credit card.